Talk to us - Talk to astrologers - Best astrology predictions
1. Siddhanta:
Describes astrological mathematics to know the different planet positions. Example the exact prediction of eclipse and many more universal facts.
2. Hora :
Tells about the prediction of human behavior [true self & personality]. This is mainly done through Jatakam [Horoscope] which is written based on the birth date , time and the birth place. Prediction can also done through Prashna Chintanam.
3. Samhita :
Describes divine knowledge about human perception and planetarium moment which affects daily routine. In Hindu culture Planets are treated as GOD as it is narrated in the shastras as
Astrology is an divine knowledge by all these Shastra’s which can predict details in connection with universe as well as humans.
We learnt though Jyotishya Shastram [Astrology] that how human attitude is impacted in connection with universe [celestial bodies]
All of us know the Hindu calendar called as “PANCHANGAM”. The Indian Maharshees who built this shastram says
That means this astrology mathematics calculate the time of sunrise, sunset and actual day of eclipse and many more universal facts based on planetary motion which intern impact unique human body and mind.
We are the disciple who are studying and exploring all these Astrology Shastram for centuries with professional course of Jyotisham for 10 years in Mahavidyalay and with 20+ years of practice in Astrology and Vedic profession decided to bring traditional astrologers in one roof to serve the believers to deliver positive results to their current and future life aspects.